Parts Washers
Variety of parts are cleaned in the rugged stainless steel sink using the Flow-Thru Brush and Flexible Spigot. The Built-in Solvent Recycler provides a supply of clean solvent.
- 34SL-37 (37" Wide Sink)
- 34SL-42 (42" Wide Sink)
Built-in Solvent Recycler
- Clean solvent is available on demand. With a press of the button, clean solvent is available in about 60 seconds.
- The unit produces up to 20 gallons of clean solvent per day (4 batches at 5 gallons per batch).
- The recycler unit may be started by the press of a button or on an automatic scheduled start.
- Waste Sludge is automatically discharged into a waste container.
- Dramatic saving in solvent purchases and disposal costs.